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“Geneva is a great programming sponsor and has remained to be a fantastic supporter and partner to Big Brothers Big Sisters for years,19岁的诺亚·凯瑞斯说. Noah is not only a graduate of 新濠天地app大学 but also sits on the board of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is an organization dating back to 1977 when Big Brothers Association and Big Sisters International joined forces to that provide role models for at-risk children. Children in the community are paired with adults who invest in the child’s life by spending quality time with them. Having a mentor that regularly interacts with them can have a great impact on a developing child.

In 2012, 新濠天地app大学 had the opportunity to start its partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County. Elementary-aged children from Beaver Falls, 新布赖顿, or Rochester are picked up at their homes and transported to campus; this is called site-based mentoring. They get to spend an evening with their college mentor or Big who has similar interests to the child. These mentors range from social service majors to student ministry majors to everyone in between. 在一起, they start their evening by eating dinner at Alexander Dining Hall, 然后可以在体育馆里玩游戏, 爬上攀岩墙, 在图书馆玩棋盘游戏, or do something else on campus interesting to them. 无论他们决定做什么, the Littles have so much fun being on campus and getting individualized time and attention from their Big.

noah-k-bbbs.jpeg诺亚指出, “My involvement with Big Brother Big Sisters began in May 2018 when I was paired up with Caden. I had heard about BBBS but didn’t know a ton about it. I have stayed matched with Caden ever since. 这些指导对我来说意义重大. I didn’t realize how much I would get out of it and grow by being a mentor.”

斯蒂芬妮Schindel, the faculty advisor for Big Brothers Big Sisters, 解释了, “Our relationship with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County is what makes a Geneva education so unique. The integration of faith and learning is put into practice as we partner with invaluable agencies in our local community. Students learn key competencies essential to social services practices while implementing those skills in a God-honoring way that supports the needs of at-risk youth.”

Social service majors can become a Big and put their classroom skills into action. SSV 303:机构现场经验, they oversee the planning and hosting of three major events for waitlisted Littles. The goal of these events is to provide activities for these kids who are unable to come to campus on a regular basis due to a limited number of Bigs. Volunteers who help put on these events sometimes feel led to become a Big in the future as the waitlist continues to grow year after year. 

While Noah continues to be a Big, as of last year he also serves BBBS as a board member. His role includes helping with the operations, 筹款, and spreading the good work being done through BBBS.

新濠天地app一直在寻找导师. A couple of hours a month is the ask- it is a small amount of your time but you will get so much out of it, and it really makes a difference in the lives of the kids.”

52476718861 _e95a4cab10_o.jpgBesides volunteering time, 筹款 is another big way to help BBBS. SSV 303 plans and implements a fundraiser each year with the proceeds going to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County. This year, on November 4, the Social Services Department held a three-legged relay race fundraiser. Students created relay teams and ran across Reeves Field tied together with one of their teammates. Although this was a fun activity, it was the most successful fundraiser thus far raising $2,637! This money will go toward bus fees that have recently increased to ensure Littles can be transported to 新濠天地app大学 at no cost to them.

“We were blown away this year with the enthusiasm and passion of the students, we were really surprised by how well they did with the fundraiser!”

52477264973 _a0132a544e_o.jpg金正日Anastas, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver Falls, reflects on their relationship with 新濠天地app大学 saying, “This partnership is a wonderful example of sharing community, 奖学金, and Christian love to students who are at-risk and in need of people to invest in them. It’s amazing what just two hours a week can mean to a Little who needs some one-on-one attention and encouragement. Geneva Bigs are such a blessing to our Littles.”

Noah’s last piece of advice to students as he reflects on his own experience as a Geneva student is to get involved. “I would encourage any student to take advantage of this program both as a student and after they graduate. Whether it is site-based or community mentoring, I can promise you will get a lot out of it.”

If you are interested in learning more about the program or becoming a Big, 请与斯蒂芬妮Schindel联系 sschinde@vig2.net.




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